Guest recipe

Wellness Bombs

Fancy a refreshing drink that soothes a bloated or overfull stomach? You can enjoy these ice cubes in either cold or warm water, with the health benefits from the ingredients and the protein from Pure Marine Collagen. Pure Marine Collagen is 100% pure hydrolysed marine collagen, heat-resistant, and flavourless.

Vild Nord guest

Desiree Andersen

Desiree Andersen is dedicated to making healthy living easy! She is an inspiration in fitness and nutrition with a large following on social media. She has written the book "FIT IN 15 MINUTES," is a course instructor, personal trainer, and dietitian, and runs a website with recipes and workout programs for her members. Desiree is a major inspiration for a healthy lifestyle.

This is what you need

3 organic lemons
1.5 "inches" of ginger
0.5 dl honey
6 tablespoons of Pure Marine Collagen
2 handfuls of fresh mint

Course of action

Peel the ginger. Put the lemons with their peel, ginger, and honey in a blender and blend thoroughly until smooth and lump-free. Add the mint and blend further until the mint is roughly chopped. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays and freeze.

The ice cubes can be used in cold or warm water and enjoyed at your own pace.